The History Teacher
Volume 55, No. 3
May 2022
Front Matter | Back Matter
Writing History
"It's not that simple": Re-Thinking Historical Writing Tasks Based on Insights from Disciplinary Experts
by Chauncey Monte-Sano and Sarah Thomson
(pp. 391-418)
Youth Historians and the Radical Possibilities of Writing History
by Matthew B. Kautz and M. Yianella Blanco
(pp. 419-461)
Writing a Common History Text for Mutual Understanding among Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Students
by Masami Kimura
(pp. 463-495)
History through Literature
A Big Book in the History Classroom: Victor Hugo's Les Misérables
by Casey Harison
(pp. 497-528)
"Such, Such Have Been the Joys": Teaching Twentieth-Century European History with George Orwell
by Andrew McFarland
(pp. 529-552)
Full Reviews Section
(pp. 553-576)
Baker, Gabriel. Spare No One: Mass Violence in Roman Warfare
by Jonathan P. Roth
Bishop, Donald M., ed. Pacifist to Padre: The World War II Memoir of Chaplain Roland B. Gittelsohn, December 1941-January 1946
by G. Kurt Piehler
Blair, Ann and Nicholas Popper, eds. New Horizons for Early Modern European Scholarship
by William Keene Thompson
Burnard, Trevor. The Atlantic in World History, 1490-1830
by Chelsea Berry
Galarte, Francisco J. Brown Trans Figurations: Rethinking Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Chicanx/Latinx Studies
by L. Heidenreich
Hammond, Kelly A. China's Muslims and Japan's Empire: Centering Islam in World War II
by Arianne Ekinci
Hinton, Alexander Laban. It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the US
by Mark Oromaner
Jemison, Elizabeth L. Christian Citizens: Reading the Bible in Black and White in the Postemancipation South
by Nicole Myers Turner
Jensen, Erik. The Greco-Persian Wars: A Short History with Documents
by Lee L. Brice
Miller, Douglas. The Greatest Escape: A True American Civil War Adventure
by Angela Zombek
Priest, Andrew. Designs on Empire: America's Rise to Power in the Age of European Imperialism
by Kristin Hoganson
Schrag, Zachary M. The Princeton Guide to Historical Research
by Donald A. Westbrook
Sides, Josh. Backcountry Ghosts: California Homesteaders and the Making of a Dubious Dream
by Julie Haltom
Wendt, Simon. The Daughters of the American Revolution and Patriotic Memory in the Twentieth Century
by Rebekah Bryer
Whitney, Katherine and Leila Emery, eds. My Shadow is My Skin: Voices from the Iranian Diaspora
by Ida Yalzadeh
387 Contributors to The History Teacher
389 The History of The History Teacher
577 Questionnaire for Potential Reviewers
578 Membership/Subscription Information
580 Submission Guidelines for The History Teacher
390 Society for History Education: 55th Anniversary
462 Association for Asian Studies: Asia Shorts
496 Society for History Education: Endless Possibilities
M. Yianella Blanco is an Assistant Professor of Education at the University of California Davis. She is a former high school teacher who taught special education and social studies in New York City.
Casey Harison received a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 1993. He is a Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Southern Indiana. He teaches courses on modern European and world history and is the author of Paris in Modern Times: From the Old Regime to the Present Day (Bloomsbury, 2019) and The Stonemasons of Creuse in Nineteenth-Century Paris (University of Delaware Press, 2008).
Matthew B. Kautz is an Assistant Professor of Education at Eastern Michigan University. He is a former high school teacher who has worked in schools in Detroit, Chicago, and New York.
Masami Kimura received her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in 2013. She is a tenured Lecturer at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. She teaches modern Japanese history and Japanese foreign relations, focusing on the United States and East Asia. Her major publications include "American Asia Experts, Liberal Internationalism, and the Occupation of Japan: Transcending Cold War Politics and Historiography" (2014). She is currently working to revise her dissertation under a grant-in-aid for scientific research.
Andrew McFarland earned a Ph.D. in Modern Spanish History from the University of Texas Austin in 2004. He teaches at Indiana University Kokomo, where he serves as the Chair of History, Political Science, and Philosophy and the Program Director for several system-wide online history degrees. His expertise is the history of sport and physical education in early twentieth-century Spain, about which he has published numerous articles.
Chauncey Monte-Sano is a Professor of Educational Studies at the University of Michigan. A former High School History Teacher and National Board Certified Teacher, her current work examines how students learn to reason with evidence through writing and talk in social studies classes, and how their teachers learn to teach such disciplinary thinking through inquiry. With Mary Schleppegrell, she recently launched Read.Inquire.Write., research-based social studies curriculum focused on disciplinary thinking and argument writing with sources.
Sarah Thomson is a former Middle School Social Studies Teacher and was the original Project Manager for Read.Inquire.Write., a curriculum designed to prepare students to write arguments that are supported by evidence and disciplinary reasoning. She earned her M.Ed. from the University of Maryland and her M.A. from the University of Michigan.