The History Teacher
Volume 55, No. 2
February 2022
Front Matter | Back Matter
World History Education
World History Education around the World
by Ross Edmunds Dunn
(pp. 189-227)
Grafting and Mirroring: Anti-Muslim Bias in World History Textbooks
by Jameel Haque
(pp. 229-267)
Extracting Evidence
Rethinking Historical Thinking: How Historians Use Inaccurate and Unreliable Evidence
by Michael P. Marino
(pp. 269-304)
Identity, Historiography, and Evidence: A Framework for the Upper-Level History Methods Class
by Jason Eden
(pp. 305-333)
Constructing Local History Units with Document-Based Lessons
by Lightning Jay
(pp. 335-348)
Full Reviews Section
(pp. 349-376)
Bhattacharya, Neeladri. The Great Agrarian Conquest: The Colonial Reshaping of a Rural World
by Douglas E. Haynes
Casey, Zachary A. and Shannon K. McManimon. Building Pedagogues: White Practicing Teachers and the Struggle for Antiracist Work in Schools
by Brenda Santos
Casimir, Jean. The Haitians: A Decolonial History
by Frances Bell
Collins, David J., S.J., ed. The Sacred and the Sinister: Studies in Medieval Religion and Magic
by Lisa M. Bitel
DeCaro, Louis A. Jr. The Untold Story of Shields Green: The Life and Death of a Harper's Ferry Raider
by Alfonso Zavala, Jr.
El Shakry, Omnia, ed. Understanding and Teaching the Modern Middle East
by Magnús T. Bernhardsson
Festle, Mary Jo. Transforming History: A Guide to Effective, Inclusive, and Evidence-Based Teaching
by Bradley A. Smith
Gueniffey, Patrice. Napoleon and de Gaulle: Heroes and History
by Daniel Arenas
Lambert, Andrew. Seapower States: Maritime Culture, Continental Empires and the Conflict That Made the Modern World
by David J. Stewart
Martell, Christopher C. and Kaylene M. Stevens. Teaching History for Justice: Centering Activism in Students' Study of the Past
by Chelsea D. Chamberlain
Moran, Katherine D. The Imperial Church: Catholic Founding Fathers and United States Empire
by Emily Davis
Musgrove, David and Michael Lewis. The Story of the Bayeux Tapestry: Unraveling the Norman Conquest
by Hugh M. Thomas
Pointer, Richard W. Pacifist Prophet: Papunhank and the Quest for Peace in Early America
by Evan Haefeli
Seligman, Scott D. The Great Kosher Meat War of 1902: Immigrant Housewives and the Riots that Shook New York City
by Daniel Soyer
Sherow, James E. The Chisholm Trail: Joseph McCoy's Great Gamble
by Chris Deutsch
Todd, Molly. Long Journey to Justice: El Salvador, the United States, and Struggles against Empire
by Stephanie M. Huezo
Willis, Deborah. The Black Civil War Soldier: A Visual History of Conflict and Citizenship
by James J. Broomall
Zoellner, Tom. Island on Fire: The Revolt That Ended Slavery in the British Empire
by D. A. Dunkley
187 Contributors to The History Teacher
228 The History of The History Teacher
377 Questionnaire for Potential Reviewers
378 Membership/Subscription Information
380 Submission Guidelines for The History Teacher
188 Society for History Education: 55th Anniversary
268 Association for Asian Studies: Asia Shorts
334 Polity Books: History: Why It Matters
Ross Edmunds Dunn taught African, Islamic, and world history at San Diego State University for four decades. His publications include The Adventures of Ibn Battuta, A Muslim Traveler of the 14th Century, History on Trial: Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past with Gary B. Nash and Charlotte Crabtree, and The New World History: A Field Guide for Teachers and Researchers with Laura J. Mitchell and Kerry Ward. He is the Director of World History for Us All, an online model curriculum for world history in schools based at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Jason Eden earned his Ph.D. in History from the University of Minnesota. He is currently a Professor of History at Saint Cloud State University in Minnesota, where he teaches courses that address early North America, historical methods, and immigration history. His research interests include the history of aging, religious history, and Native American history. He is the co-author of Age Norms and Intercultural Interaction in Colonial North America.
Jameel Haque holds a Ph.D. from the Graduate Center at the City University of New York. He is currently an Associate Professor of History at Minnesota State University, Mankato and the Director of the Kessel Peace Institute. His teaching and research interests include world history, education, archaeology, religion, and the First World War.
Lightning Jay is an Assistant Professor of Education in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership at Binghamton University, where he studies social education and teacher education. He was a social studies teacher for elementary, middle, and high school students in Brooklyn, New York and Minneapolis, Minnesota prior to pursuing his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania.
Michael P. Marino is a Professor and Chair of the Department of History at The College of New Jersey, located in Ewing, New Jersey. He teaches courses in social studies education and modern European history and coordinates the Department’s secondary education program.