ARCHIVES, Volume 38
38 of The History Teacher, Contents and Index
of Contents
NOVEMBER 2004 ISSUE (Vol. 38, No. 1)
Teaching the
1960s with Primary Sources
by Peter B. Levy
Assessment and Improving Undergraduate Writing: One Department's
by Russell Olwell and Ronald Delph
by Nancy Quam-Wickham, Editor, The History Teacher
Comrade Khrushchev
and Farmer Garst: East-West Encounters Foster Agricultural Exchange
by Stephen J. Frese, Senior Division
Fifty Years After
Brown: Tarnished Gold, Broken Promises
by Julie Gantz, Junior Division
for Improving the Advanced Placement Examination Scores of AP
Social Studies Students
by R. Mason Goss
Caroli, First
Ladies: From Martha Washington to Laura Bush, 3rd ed.
by Rachel Hays Williams
Corbett and Naugle,
eds., Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Documents in
American History
by John Bryan
Garroutte, Real
Indians: Identity and the Survival of Native America
by Lisa E. Emmerich
Gerwin and Zevin,
Teaching U.S. History as Mystery
by J.D. Bowers
Hunter, How Young
Ladies Became Girls: The Victorian Origins of American Girlhood
by Lynn Y. Weiner
Leavy, Sandy Koufax:
A Lefty's Legacy
by Amy Essington
Lipson, dir.;
Lipson, Sadoff and Sadoff, prods., Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders
Hamilton, dir., Armian, Demme, Hamilton, and Viola, prods., Beah:
A Black Woman Speaks
by Joe P. Dunn
Manning, Navigating
World History: Historians Create a Global Past
by Robert A. Pierce
Morton, The American
by John Donoghue
Paulsson, Secret
City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945
by Guillaume de Syon
Peterson, Jump
Back in Time: A Living History Resource
by D. Antonio Cantu
Polishuk, Sticking
to the Union: An Oral History of the Life and Times of Julia Ruuttila
by Martin Halpern
Rosenberg, Financial
Missionaries to the World: The Politics and Culture of Dollar
Diplomacy, 1900-1930
by Jerald Combs
Salmond, The Trial
of the Cannibal Dog: The Remarkable Story of Captain Cook's Encounters
in the South Seas
by Thom
Sinisi, Sacred
Debts: State Civil War Claims and American Federalism, 1861-1880
by Paul Horton
Smith, Extraordinary
Women from U.S. History: Readers Theatre for Grades 4-8
by Clair W. Keller
Woodger and Toropov,
Encyclopedia of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
by James T. Carroll
to top of page
of Contents
FEBRUARY 2005 ISSUE (Vol. 38, No. 2)
Eastern Europe
in Western Civilization Textbooks: The Example of Poland
by John J. Kulczycki
Teaching History
in Russia After the Collapse of the USSR
by Tatyana Volodina
Teaching the
Nazi Dictatorship: Focus on Youth
by Stephen Pagaard
Digging Into History:
Authentic Learning through Archeology
by Matt Glendinning
Looking for Laura
Secord on the Web: Using a Famous Figure from the War of 1812
as a Model for Evaluating Historical Web Sites
by Marsha Ann Tate
Issues and
Options in Creating a National Assessment in World History
by Robert B. Bain and Tamara L. Shreiner
Bingham, Mordecai:
An Early American Family
by Arlene Lazarowitz
Eubank, The Origins
of World War II, Third Edition
by Amy R. Sims
Fromkin, Europe's
Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914?
by Matthew Stewart
Klein, A Population
History of the United States
by John Bryan
McManus, The Americans
at D-Day: The American Experience at the Normandy Invasion
by Jeffrey S. Crompton
Picard, Elizabeth's
London: Everyday Life in Elizabethan London
by Roy Schreiber
Schwartz, Baptist
Faith in Action: The Private Writings of Maria Baker Taylor, 1813-1895
by Phillip Luke Simitiere
Wadman and Allison,
Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past
by Alexander L. Gerould
Weigley, A Great
Civil War: A Military and Political History, 1861-1865
by Kenneth W. Noe
to top of page
of Contents
May 2005 ISSUE (Vol. 38, No. 3)
In Memoriam: Nadine Hata, 1941-2005
by William A. Weber
The French Revolution on Film: American and French Perspectives
by Casey Harison
Looking for Zalman: Making Historical Scholarship Visible to Undergraduates
by Ellen Eisenberg
Assessing Investigative
Skills in History: A Case Study from Scotland
by Peter Hillis
Bridging Learning Communities: A Summer Workshop for Social Studies
by James J. Carpenter, Thomas Dublin, and Penelope Harper
Interview With Exemplary Teachers: Nancy A. Hewitt
Introduction by Roy Rosenzweig
Interview by Sharon Leon
The Changing Face of Diplomatic History: A Literature Review
by Brenda Gayle Plummer
Bernstein, Thomas Jefferson: The Revolution of Ideas
by Douglas R. Egerton
Conn, History's
Shadow: Native Americans and Historical Consciousness in the Nineteenth
by Charles L. P. Silet
Copeland, The
Antebellum Era: Primary Documents on Events from 1820 to 1860
by Brett Mizelle
Danziger and Gillingham,
1215: The Year of Magna Carta
by Robert L. Woods, Jr.
Dawisha, Arab
Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair
by Frank P. Tipton
Doutrich, Shapers
of the Great Debate on Jacksonian Democracy: A Biographical Dictionary
by Jonathan Turchek
Evans, The Social
Studies Wars: What Should We Teach the Children?
by Wilson J. Warren
Finnen, Talking
Drums: Reading and Writing with African-American Stories, Spirituals,
and Multimedia Resources
by James T. Carroll
Frantzen, Bloody
Good: Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the Great War
by Tom Lamont
Fromkin, Europe's
Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914?
by Matthew Stewart
Gilbert and Reynolds,
Africa in World History: From Prehistory to the Present
by John David Leaver
Halpern, Unions,
Radicals, and Democratic Presidents: Seeking Social Change in
the Twentieth Century
by Gregory L. Kaster
Hutton, Philippe
Ariès and the Politics of French Cultural History
by Robert H. Blackman
King, Budweisers
into Czechs and Germans: A Local History of Bohemian Politics
by Caitlin Murdock
Lambert, dir.,
Deadly Enemies
by Jacob Darwin Hamblin
Rees and Pollack,
eds., The Voice of the People: Primary Sources on the History
of American Labor, Industrial Relations, and Working-Class Culture
by Taylor Hollander
Rubio and Purcell,
eds., Mexico Under Fox
by William Diaz-Brown
Shoemaker, A Strange
Likeness: Becoming Red and White in Eighteenth-Century North America
by Paivi Hoikkala
Stackelberg and
Winkle, eds., The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology of Texts
by Amy R. Sims
Winders, Sacrificed
at the Alamo: Tragedy and Triumph in the Texas Revolution
by Paul B. Hatley
Wootton, ed.,
The Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers
by Douglas R. Edgerton
Zelizer, On Capitol
Hill: The Struggle to Reform Congress and its Consequences, 1948-2000
by Donna M. Binkiewicz
to top of page
of Contents
August 2005 ISSUE (Vol. 38, No. 4)
The Fannie
Lou Hamer National Institute on Citizenship and Democracy: Engaging
a Curriculum and Pedagogy
by Michelle D. Deardorff, Jeffrey Kolnick, Thandekile R.M. Mvusi
and Leslie Burl McLemore
Teaching the Civil Rights Era: A Student-Active Approach
by Joe P. Dunn
Open Admissions, Controversies, and CUNY: Digging into Social
History Through a First-Year Composition Course
by Ting Man Tsao
The Rhode Island "Washington": Meaning Making in Social
Studies Through Art History
by Joseph M. Piro
The Impact of
Having 9th Graders "Do History"
by Jada Kohlmeier
Faculty-Undergraduate Collaboration in Digital History at a Public
Research University
by Robert Stephens and Josh Thumma
Translating America: An Immigrant Press Visualizes American Popular
Culture, 1895-1918
by Ellen Nore
Diffley, ed., To Live and Die: Collected Stories of the Civil
War, 1861-1876
by Thomas J. Brown
Ede and Cormack, A History of Science in Society: from Philosophy
to Utility
by Jacob Darwin Hamblin
Fasolt, The Limits of History
by Amy R. Sims
Fleisher, The Bear River Massacre and the Making of History
by Angela Firkus
Hoffer, Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, and the Writing of American
by David H. Noon
Landsberg, Prosthetic Memory: The Transformation of American Remembrance
in the Age of Mass Culture
by Lee Bernstein
Lindaman and Ward, History Lessons: How Textbooks from Around
the World Portray American History
by James F. Adomanis
Michaels, Hinduism: Past and Present
by Joseph Gerics
Moses, Creative Conflict in African American Thought: Frederick
Douglass, Alexander Crummell, Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. DuBois,
and Marcus Garvey
by Jackie R. Booker
Oxoby, American Popular Culture Through History: The 1990s
by Kalman Goldstein
Pace and Frazier, Frontier Texas: History of a Borderland to 1880
by Thomas C. Rust
Pacyga, Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago: Workers on the
South Side, 1880-1920
by Donna M. Binkiewicz
Schrum, Some Wore Bobby Sox: The Emergence of Teenage Girls' Culture,
by Susan Ware
Watkins, Jr., Reclaiming the American Revolution: The Kentucky
and Virginia Resolutions and their Legacy
by Thomas J. Humphrey
Weigley, The Age of Battles: The Quest for Decisive Warfare from
Breitenfeld to Waterloo
by Edward F. Finch
Annual Volume Index
Index to Volume
to top of page
No. 1: November
2004: 1-144
No. 2: February 2005: 145-288
No. 3: May 2005: 289-432
No. 4: August 2005: 433-576
In Memoriam
Nadine Hata, 1941-2005," by William A. Weber, 297-98.
Weber, William A., "Memoriam: Nadine Hata, 1941-2005,"
With Exemplary Teachers: Nancy A. Hewitt," intro. by Roy
Rosenzweig, interview by Sharon Leon, 371-84.
Leon, Sharon, interview, "Interview With Exemplary Teachers:
Nancy A. Hewitt," 372-84.
Rosenzweig, Roy, intro., "Interview With Exemplary Teachers:
Nancy A. Hewitt," 371.
National History Day 2004 Prize Essays
Khrushchev and Farmer Garst: East-West Encounters Foster Agricultural
Exchange," by Stephen J. Frese, 37-65.
"Fifty Years After Brown: Tarnished Gold, Broken Promises,"
by Julie Gantz, 66-113.
Frese, Stephen J., "Comrade Khrushchev and Farmer Garst:
East-West Encounters Foster Agricultural Exchange," 37-65.
Gantz, Julie, "Fifty Years After Brown: Tarnished Gold, Broken
Promises," 66-113.
"Introduction," by Nancy Quam-Wickham, 35-36.
Quam-Wickham, Nancy, "Introduction," 35-36.
General Subject
Michelle D., co-auth., "The Fannie Lou Hamer National Institute
on Citizenship and Democracy: Engaging a Curriculum and Pedagogy,"
"Eastern Europe in Western Civilization Textbooks: The Example
of Poland," by John J. Kulczycki, 153-77.
"Fannie Lou Hamer National Institute on Citizenship and Democracy,
The: Engaging a Curriculum and Pedagogy," by Michelle D.
Deardorff, Jeffrey Kolnick, Leslie Burl McLemore and Thandekile
R.M. Mvusi, 441-53.
"French Revolution on Film, The: American and French Perspectives,"
by Casey Harison, 299-324.
Harison, Casey, "The French Revolution on Film: American
and French Perspectives," 299-324.
Kolnick, Jeffrey, co-auth., "The Fannie Lou Hamer National
Institute on Citizenship and Democracy: Engaging a Curriculum
and Pedagogy," 441-53.
Kulczycki, John J., "Eastern Europe in Western Civilization
Textbooks: The Example of Poland," 153-77.
McLemore, Leslie Burl, co-auth., "The Fannie Lou Hamer National
Institute on Citizenship and Democracy: Engaging a Curriculum
and Pedagogy," 441-53.
Mvusi, Thandekile R.M., co-auth., "The Fannie Lou Hamer National
Institute on Citizenship and Democracy: Engaging a Curriculum
and Pedagogy," 441-53.
"Teaching History in Russia After the Collapse of the USSR,"
by Tatyana Volodina, 179-88.
Volodina, Tatyana, "Teaching History in Russia After the
Collapse of the USSR," 179-88.
The Craft
of Teaching
Investigative Skills in History: A Case Study from Scotland,"
by Peter Hillis, 341-60.
"Digging Into History: Authentic Learning through Archeology,"
by Matt Glendinning, 209-23.
Dunn, Joe P., "Teaching the Civil Rights Era: A Student-Active
Approach," 455-68.
Eisenberg, Ellen, "Looking for Zalman: Making Historical
Scholarship Visible to Undergraduates," 325-40.
Glendinning, Matt, "Digging Into History: Authentic Learning
through Archeology," 209-23.
Hillis, Peter, "Assessing Investigative Skills in History:
A Case Study from Scotland," 341-60.
"Impact of Having 9th Graders 'Do History,' The" by
Jada Kohlmeier, 499-524.
Kohlmeier, Jada, "The Impact of Having 9th Graders 'Do History,'"
Levy, Peter B., "Teaching the 1960s with Primary Sources,"
"Looking for Laura Secord on the Web: Using a Famous Figure
from the War of 1812 as a Model for Evaluating Historical Web
Sites," by Marsha Ann Tate, 225-40.
"Looking for Zalman: Making Historical Scholarship Visible
to Undergraduates," by Ellen Eisenberg, 325-40.
"Open Admissions, Controversies, and CUNY: Digging into Social
History Through a First-Year Composition Course," by Ting
Man Tsao, 469-82.
Pagaard, Stephen, "Teaching the Nazi Dictatorship: Focus
on Youth," 189-207.
Piro, Joseph M., "The Rhode Island 'Washington': Meaning
Making in Social Studies Through Art History," 483-97.
"Rhode Island 'Washington,' The: Meaning Making in Social
Studies Through Art History," by Joseph M. Piro, 483-97.
Tate, Marsha Ann, "Looking for Laura Secord on the Web: Using
a Famous Figure from the War of 1812 as a Model for Evaluating
Historical Web Sites," 225-40.
"Teaching the 1960s with Primary Sources," by Peter
B. Levy, 9-20.
"Teaching the Civil Rights Era: A Student-Active Approach,"
by Joe P. Dunn, 455-68.
"Teaching the Nazi Dictatorship: Focus on Youth," by
Stephen Pagaard, 189-207.
Tsao, Ting Man, "Open Admissions, Controversies, and CUNY:
Digging into Social History Through a First-Year Composition Course,"
Face of Diplomatic History, The: A Literature Review," by
Brenda Gayle Plummer, 385-400.
Plummer, Brenda Gayle, "The Changing Face of Diplomatic History:
A Literature Review," 385-400.
Notes and
Goss, R. Mason,
"Strategies for Improving the Advanced Placement Examination
Scores of AP Social Studies Students," 115-17.
"Strategies for Improving the Advanced Placement Examination
Scores of AP Social Studies Students," by R. Mason Goss,
The State
of the Profession
Bain, Robert
B., co-auth., "Issues and Options in Creating a National
Assessment in World History," 241-71.
"Bridging Learning Communities: A Summer Workshop for Social
Studies Teachers," by James J. Carpenter, Thomas Dublin and
Penelope Harper, 361-69.
Carpenter, James J., co-auth., "Bridging Learning Communities:
A Summer Workshop for Social Studies Teachers," 361-69.
Delph, Ronald, co-auth., "Implementing Assessment and Improving
Undergraduate Writing: One Department's Experience," 21-34.
Dublin, Thomas, co-auth., "Bridging Learning Communities:
A Summer Workshop for Social Studies Teachers," 361-69.
"Faculty-Undergraduate Collaboration in Digital History at
a Public Research University," by Robert Stephens and Josh
Thumma, 525-42.
Harper, Penelope, co-auth., "Bridging Learning Communities:
A Summer Workshop for Social Studies Teachers," 361-69.
"Implementing Assessment and Improving Undergraduate Writing:
One Department's Experience," by Russell Olwell and Ronald
Delph, 21-34.
"Issues and Options in Creating a National Assessment in
World History," by Robert B. Bain and Tamara L. Shreiner,
Olwell, Russell, co-auth., "Implementing Assessment and Improving
Undergraduate Writing: One Department's Experience," 21-34.
Shreiner, Tamara L., co-auth., "Issues and Options in Creating
a National Assessment in World History," 241-71.
Stephens, Robert, co-auth., "Faculty-Undergraduate Collaboration
in Digital History at a Public Research University," 525-42.
Thumma, Josh, co-auth., "Faculty-Undergraduate Collaboration
in Digital History at a Public Research University," 525-42.
1215: The
Year of Magna Carta, by Danny Danziger and John Gillingham, revd.,
A Great Civil War: A Military and Political History, 1861-1865,
by Russell F. Weigley, revd., 283-84.
A History of Science in Society: from Philosophy to Utility, by
Andrew Ede and Lesley B. Cormack, revd., 546-47.
A Population History of the United States, by Herbert S. Klein,
revd., 277-78.
A Strange Likeness: Becoming Red and White in Eighteenth-Century
North America, by Nancy Shoemaker, revd., 421-22.
Adomanis, James F., rev., History Lessons: How Textbooks from
Around the World Portray American History, by Dana Lindaman and
Kyle Ward, 552-53.
Africa in World History: From Prehistory to the Present, by Erik
Gilbert and Jonathan T. Reynolds, revd., 412-13.
Age of Battles, The: The Quest for Decisive Warfare from Breitenfeld
to Waterloo, by Russell F. Weigley, revd., 563-64.
Allison, William Thomas, Navigating World History: Historians
Create a Global Past, revd., 281-83.
American Popular Culture Through History: The 1990s, by Marc Oxoby,
revd., 556-58.
American Revolution, The, by Joseph C. Morton, revd., 129-30.
Americans at D-Day, The: The American Experience at the Normandy
Invasion, by John C. McManus, revd., 278-79.
Antebellum Era, The: Primary Documents on Events from 1820 to
1860, by David A. Copeland, revd., 403-04.
Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair,
by Adeed Dawisha, revd., 406-07.
Armian, Neda, co-prod., Beah: A Black Woman Speaks, revd., 126-27.
Baptist Faith in Action: The Private Writings of Maria Baker Taylor,
1813-1895, by Kathryn Carlisle Schwartz, revd., 280-81.
Beah: A Black Woman Speaks, dir. by LisaGay Hamilton, prod. by
Neda Armian, Jonathan Demme, LisaGay Hamilton, and Joe Viola,
revd. 126-27.
Bear River Massacre and the Making of History, The, by Kass Fleisher,
revd., 548-49.
Bernstein, Lee, rev., Prosthetic Memory: The Transformation of
American Remembrance in the Age of Mass Culture, by Alison Landsberg,
Bernstein, R.B., Thomas Jefferson: The Revolution of Ideas, revd.,
Bingham, Emily, Mordecai: An Early American Family, revd., 273-74.
Binkiewicz, Donna M., rev., On Capitol Hill: The Struggle to Reform
Congress and its Consequences, 1948-2000, by Julian Zelizer, 426-28.
Binkiewicz, Donna M., rev., Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago:
Workers on the South Side, 1880-1920, by Dominic A. Pacyga, 559-60.
Blackman, Robert H., rev., Philippe Ariès and the Politics
of French Cultural History, by Patrick H. Hutton, 415-16.
Bloody Good: Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the Great War, by Allen
J. Frantzen, revd., 410-11.
Booker, Jackie R., rev., Creative Conflict in African American
Thought: Frederick Douglass, Alexander Crummell, Booker T. Washington,
W. E. B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey, by Wilson J. Moses, 555-56.
Bowers, J.D., rev., Teaching U.S. History as Mystery, by David
Gerwin and Jack Zevin, 123.
Brown, Thomas J., rev., To Live and Die: Collected Stories of
the Civil War, 1861-1876, ed. by Kathleen Diffley, 544-45.
Bryan, John, rev., A Population History of the United States,
by Herbert S. Klein, 277-78.
Bryan, John, rev., Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness:
Documents in American History, ed. by P. Scott Corbett and Ronald
C. Naugle, 120-21.
Budweisers into Czechs and Germans: A Local History of Bohemian,
by Jeremy King, revd., 416-17.
Cantu, D. Antonio, revd., Jump Back in Time: A Living History
Resource, by Carol Peterson, 131-33.
Caroli, Betty Boyd, First Ladies: From Martha Washington to Laura
Bush, 3rd ed., revd., 119-20.
Carroll, James T., rev., Encyclopedia of the Lewis and Clark Expedition,
by Elin Woodger and Brandon Toropov, 140.
Carroll, James T., rev., Talking Drums: Reading and Writing with
African-American Stories, Spirituals, and Multimedia Resources,
by Wanda Cobb Finnen, 409-10.
Combs, Jerald, rev., Financial Missionaries to the World: The
Politics and Culture of Dollar Diplomacy, 1900-1930, by Emily
S. Rosenberg, 134-36.
Conn, Steven, History's Shadow: Native Americans and Historical
Consciousness in the Nineteenth Century, revd., 402-03.
Conolly-Smith, Peter, Translating America: An Immigrant Press
Visualizes American Popular Culture, 1895-1918, revd., 543-44.
Copeland, David A., The Antebellum Era: Primary Documents on Events
from 1820 to 1860, revd., 403-04.
Corbett, P. Scott, co-ed., Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness:
Documents in American History, revd., 120-21.
Cormack, Lesley B., co-auth., A History of Science in Society:
from Philosophy to Utility, revd., 546-47.
Creative Conflict in African American Thought: Frederick Douglass,
Alexander Crummell, Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. DuBois, and
Marcus Garvey, by Wilson J. Moses, revd., 555-56.
Crompton, Jeffrey S., rev., The Americans at D-Day: The American
Experience at the Normandy Invasion, by John C. McManus, 278-79.
Danziger Danny, co-auth., 1215: The Year of Magna Carta, revd.,
Dawisha, Adeed, Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From
Triumph to Despair, revd., 406-07.
de Syon, Guillaume, rev., Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw,
1940-1945, by Gunnar S. Paulsson, 130-31.
Deadly Enemies, dir. by Susan Lambert, revd., 418-19.
Demme, Jonathan, co-prod., Beah: A Black Woman Speaks, revd.,
Diaz-Brown, William, rev., Mexico Under Fox, ed. by Luis Rubio
and Susan Kaufman Purcell, 420-21.
Diffley, Kathleen, ed., To Live and Die: Collected Stories of
the Civil War, 1861-1876, revd., 544-45.
Donoghue, John, rev., The American Revolution, by Joseph C. Morton,
Doutrich, Paul E., Shapers of the Great Debate on Jacksonian Democracy:
A Biographical Dictionary, revd., 407-08.
Dunn, Joe P., rev., Beah: A Black Woman Speaks, dir. by LisaGay
Hamilton, prod. by Neda Armian, Jonathan Demme, LisaGay Hamilton,
and Joe Viola, 126-27.
Dunn, Joe P., rev., Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders, dir. by
Laura J. Lipson, prod. by Laura J. Lipson, Dr. Robert and Joan
Sadoff, 126-27.
Ede, Andrew, co-auth., A History of Science in Society: from Philosophy
to Utility, revd., 546-47.
Edgerton, Douglas R., rev., The Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist
Papers, ed. by David Wootton, 425-26.
Edgerton, Douglas R., rev., Thomas Jefferson: The Revolution of
Ideas, by R.B. Bernstein, 401-02.
Elizabeth's London: Everyday Life in Elizabethan London, by Liza
Picard, revd., 279-80.
Emmerich, Lisa E., rev., Real Indians: Identity and the Survival
of Native America, by Eva Marie Garroutte, 121-22.
Encyclopedia of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, by Elin Woodger
and Brandon Toropov, revd., 140.
Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers, The, ed. by David
Wootton, revd., 425-26.
Essington, Amy, rev., Sandy Koufax: A Lefty's Legacy, by Jane
Leavy, 125-26.
Eubank, Keith, The Origins of World War II, Third Edition, revd.,
Europe's Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914?, by David
Fromkin, revd., 276-77, 411-12.
Evans, Ronald W., The Social Studies Wars: What Should We Teach
the Children?, revd., 408-09.
Extraordinary Women from U.S. History: Readers Theatre for Grades
4-8, by Chari R. Smith, revd., 139.
Fasolt, Constantin, The Limits of History, revd., 547-48.
Financial Missionaries to the World: The Politics and Culture
of Dollar Diplomacy, 1900-1930, by Emily S. Rosenberg, revd.,
Finch, Edward F., rev., The Age of Battles: The Quest for Decisive
Warfare from Breitenfeld to Waterloo, by Russell F. Weigley, 563-64.
Finnen, Wanda Cobb, Talking Drums: Reading and Writing with African-American
Stories, Spirituals, and Multimedia Resources, revd., 409-10.
Firkus, Angela, rev., The Bear River Massacre and the Making of
History, by Kass Fleisher, 548-49.
First Ladies: From Martha Washington to Laura Bush, 3rd ed., by
Betty Boyd Caroli, revd., 119-20.
Fleisher, Kass, The Bear River Massacre and the Making of History,
revd., 548-49.
Frantzen, Allen J., Bloody Good: Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the
Great War, revd., 410-11.
Frazier, Donald S., co-auth., Frontier Texas: History of a Borderland
to 1880, revd., 558-59.
Fromkin, David, Europe's Last Summer: Who Started the Great War
in 1914?, revd., 276-77, 411-12.
Frontier Texas: History of a Borderland to 1880, by Robert F.
Pace and Donald S. Frazier, revd., 558-59.
Garroutte, Eva Marie, Real Indians: Identity and the Survival
of Native America, revd., 121-22.
Gerics, Joseph, rev., Hinduism: Past and Present, by Axel Michaels,
Gerould, Alexander L., rev., Navigating World History: Historians
Create a Global Past, by Robert C. Wadman and William Thomas Allison,
Gerwin, David, co-auth., Teaching U.S. History as Mystery, revd.,
Gilbert, Erik, co-auth., Africa in World History: From Prehistory
to the Present, revd., 412-13.
Gillingham, John, co-auth., 1215: The Year of Magna Carta, revd.,
Goldstein, Kalman, rev., American Popular Culture Through History:
The 1990s, by Marc Oxoby, 556-58.
Halpern, Martin, rev., Sticking to the Union: An Oral History
of the Life and Times of Julia Ruuttila, by Sandy Polishuk, 133-34.
Halpern, Martin, Unions, Radicals, and Democratic Presidents:
Seeking Social Change in the Twentieth Century, revd., 414-15.
Hamblin, Jacob Darwin, rev., A History of Science in Society:
from Philosophy to Utility, by Andrew Ede and Lesley B. Cormack,
Hamblin, Jacob Darwin, rev., Deadly Enemies, dir. by Susan Lambert,
Hamilton, LisaGay, dir. and co-prod., Beah: A Black Woman Speaks,
revd., 126-27.
Hatley, Paul B., rev., Sacrificed at the Alamo: Tragedy and Triumph
in the Texas Revolution, by Richard Bruce Winders, 424-25.
Hinduism: Past and Present, by Axel Michaels, revd., 553-55.
History Lessons: How Textbooks from Around the World Portray American
History, by Dana Lindaman and Kyle Ward, revd., 552-53.
History's Shadow: Native Americans and Historical Consciousness
in the Nineteenth Century, by Steven Conn, revd., 402-03.
Hoffer, Peter Charles, Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, and the
Writing of American History, revd., 549-51.
Hoikkala, Paivi, rev., A Strange Likeness: Becoming Red and White
in Eighteenth-Century North America, by Nancy Shoemaker, 421-22.
Hollander, Taylor, rev., The Voice of the People: Primary Sources
on the History of American Labor, Industrial Relations, and Working-Class
Culture, ed. by Jonathan Rees and Jonathan Z.S. Pollack, 419-20.
Horton, Paul, rev., Sacred Debts: State Civil War Claims and American
Federalism, 1861-1880, by Kyle S. Sinisi, 137-38.
How Young Ladies Became Girls: The Victorian Origins of American
Girlhood, by Jane H. Hunter, revd., 124-25.
Humphrey, Thomas J., rev., Reclaiming the American Revolution:
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and their Legacy, by William
J. Watkins, Jr., 562-63.
Hunter, Jane H., How Young Ladies Became Girls: The Victorian
Origins of American Girlhood, revd., 124-25.
Hutton, Patrick H., Philippe Ariès and the Politics of
French Cultural History, revd., 415-16.
Jump Back in Time: A Living History Resource, by Carol Peterson,
revd., 131-33.
Kaster, Gregory L., rev., Unions, Radicals, and Democratic Presidents:
Seeking Social Change in the Twentieth Century, by Martin Halpern,
Keller, Clair W., rev., Extraordinary Women from U.S. History:
Readers Theatre for Grades 4-8, by Chari R. Smith, 139.
King, Jeremy, Budweisers into Czechs and Germans: A Local History
of Bohemian, revd., 416-17.
Klein, Herbert S., A Population History of the United States,
revd., 277-78.
Lambert, Susan, dir., Deadly Enemies, revd., 418-19.
Lamont, Tom, rev., Bloody Good: Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the Great
War, by Allen J. Frantzen, 410-11.
Landsberg, Alison, Prosthetic Memory: The Transformation of American
Remembrance in the Age of Mass Culture, revd., 551-52.
Lazarowitz, Arlene, rev., Mordecai: An Early American Family,
by Emily Bingham, 273-74.
Leaver, John David, rev., Africa in World History: From Prehistory
to the Present, by Erik Gilbert and Jonathan T. Reynolds, 412-13.
Leavy, Jane, Sandy Koufax: A Lefty's Legacy, revd., 125-26.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Documents in American
History, ed. by P. Scott Corbett and Ronald C. Naugle, revd.,
Limits of History, The, by Constantin Fasolt, revd., 547-48.
Lindaman, Dana, co-auth., History Lessons: How Textbooks from
Around the World Portray American History, revd., 552-53.
Lipson, Laura J., dir. and co-prod., Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders,
revd., 126-27.
Luis Rubio, co-ed., Mexico Under Fox, revd., 420-21.
Manning, Patrick, Navigating World History: Historians Create
a Global Past, revd., 128-29.
McManus, John C., The Americans at D-Day: The American Experience
at the Normandy Invasion, revd., 278-79.
Mexico Under Fox, ed. by Luis Rubio and Susan Kaufman Purcell,
revd., 420-21.
Michaels, Axel, Hinduism: Past and Present, revd., 553-55.
Mizelle, Brett, rev., The Antebellum Era: Primary Documents on
Events from 1820 to 1860, by David A. Copeland, 403-04.
Mordecai: An Early American Family, by Emily Bingham, revd., 273-74.
Morton, Joseph C., The American Revolution, revd., 129-30.
Moses, Wilson J., Creative Conflict in African American Thought:
Frederick Douglass, Alexander Crummell, Booker T. Washington,
W. E. B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey, revd., 555-56.
Murdock, Caitlin, rev., Budweisers into Czechs and Germans: A
Local History of Bohemian, by Jeremy King, 416-17.
Naugle, Ronald C., co-ed., Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness:
Documents in American History, revd., 120-21.
Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past, by
Patrick Manning, revd., 128-29.
Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past, by
Robert C. Wadman and William Thomas Allison, revd., 281-83.
Nazi Germany Sourcebook, The: An Anthology of Texts, ed. by Robert
Stackelberg and Sally A. Winkle, revd., 422-23.
Noe, Kenneth W., rev., A Great Civil War: A Military and Political
History, 1861-1865, by Russell F. Weigley, 283-84.
Noon, David H., rev., Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, and the
Writing of American History, by Peter Charles Hoffer, 549-51.
Nore, Ellen, rev., Translating America: An Immigrant Press Visualizes
American Popular Culture, 1895-1918, by Peter Conolly-Smith, 543-44.
On Capitol Hill: The Struggle to Reform Congress and its Consequences,
1948-2000, by Julian Zelizer, revd., 426-28.
Origins of World War II, The, Third Edition, by Keith Eubank,
revd., 274-75.
Oxoby, Marc, American Popular Culture Through History: The 1990s,
revd., 556-58.
Pace, Robert F., co-auth., Frontier Texas: History of a Borderland
to 1880, revd., 558-59.
Pacyga, Dominic A., Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago:
Workers on the South Side, 1880-1920, revd., 559-60.
Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, and the Writing of American History,
by Peter Charles Hoffer, revd., 549-51.
Paulsson, Gunnar S., Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945,
revd., 130-31.
Peterson, Carol, Jump Back in Time: A Living History Resource,
revd., 131-33.
Philippe Ariès and the Politics of French Cultural History,
by Patrick H. Hutton, revd., 415-16.
Picard, Liza, Elizabeth's London: Everyday Life in Elizabethan
London, revd., 279-80.
Pierce, Robert A., rev., Navigating World History: Historians
Create a Global Past, by Patrick Manning, 128-29.
Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago: Workers on the South
Side, 1880-1920, by Dominic A. Pacyga, revd., 559-60.
Polishuk, Sandy, Sticking to the Union: An Oral History of the
Life and Times of Julia Ruuttila, revd., 133-34.
Pollack, Jonathan Z.S., co-ed., The Voice of the People: Primary
Sources on the History of American Labor, Industrial Relations,
and Working-Class Culture, revd., 419-20.
Prosthetic Memory: The Transformation of American Remembrance
in the Age of Mass Culture, by Alison Landsberg, revd., 551-52.
Purcell, Susan Kaufman, co-ed., Mexico Under Fox, revd., 420-21.
Real Indians: Identity and the Survival of Native America, by
Eva Marie Garroutte, revd., 121-22.
Reclaiming the American Revolution: The Kentucky and Virginia
Resolutions and their Legacy, by William J. Watkins, Jr., revd.,
Rees, Jonathan, co-ed., The Voice of the People: Primary Sources
on the History of American Labor, Industrial Relations, and Working-Class
Culture, revd., 419-20.
Reynolds, Jonathan T., co-auth., Africa in World History: From
Prehistory to the Present, revd., 412-13.
Rosenberg, Emily S., Financial Missionaries to the World: The
Politics and Culture of Dollar Diplomacy, 1900-1930, revd., 134-36.
Rust, Thomas C., rev., Frontier Texas: History of a Borderland
to 1880, by Robert F. Pace and Donald S. Frazier, 558-59.
Sacred Debts: State Civil War Claims and American Federalism,
1861-1880, by Kyle S. Sinisi, revd., 137-38.
Sacrificed at the Alamo: Tragedy and Triumph in the Texas Revolution,
by Richard Bruce Winders, revd., 424-25.
Sadoff, Joan, co-prod., Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders, revd.,
Sadoff, Robert, co-prod., Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders, revd.,
Salmond, Anne, The Trial of the Cannibal Dog: The Remarkable Story
of Captain Cook's Encounters in the South Seas, revd., 136-37.
Sandy Koufax: A Lefty's Legacy, by Jane Leavy, revd., 125-26.
Saylor, Thomas, rev., The Trial of the Cannibal Dog: The Remarkable
Story of Captain Cook's Encounters in the South Seas, by Anne
Salmond, 136-37.
Schreiber, Roy, rev., Elizabeth's London: Everyday Life in Elizabethan
London, by Liza Picard, 279-80.
Schrum, Kelly, Some Wore Bobby Sox: The Emergence of Teenage Girls'
Culture, 1920-1945, revd., 561-62.
Schwartz, Kathryn Carlisle, Baptist Faith in Action: The Private
Writings of Maria Baker Taylor, 1813-1895, revd., 280-81.
Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945, by Gunnar S.
Paulsson, revd., 130-31.
Shapers of the Great Debate on Jacksonian Democracy: A Biographical
Dictionary, by Paul E. Doutrich, revd., 407-08.
Shoemaker, Nancy, A Strange Likeness: Becoming Red and White in
Eighteenth-Century North America, revd., 421-22.
Silet, Charles L.P., rev., History's Shadow: Native Americans
and Historical Consciousness in the Nineteenth Century, by Steven
Conn, 402-03.
Simitiere, Phillip Luke, rev., Baptist Faith in Action: The Private
Writings of Maria Baker Taylor, 1813-1895, by Kathryn Carlisle
Schwartz, 280-81.
Sims, Amy R., rev., The Limits of History, by Constantin Fasolt,
Sims, Amy R., rev., The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology
of Texts, ed. by Robert Stackelberg and Sally A. Winkle, 422-23.
Sims, Amy R., rev., The Origins of World War II, Third Edition,
by Keith Eubank, 274-75.
Sinisi, Kyle S., Sacred Debts: State Civil War Claims and American
Federalism, 1861-1880, revd., 137-38.
Smith, Chari R., Extraordinary Women from U.S. History: Readers
Theatre for Grades 4-8, revd., 139.
Social Studies Wars, The: What Should We Teach the Children?,
by Ronald W. Evans, revd., 408-09.
Some Wore Bobby Sox: The Emergence of Teenage Girls' Culture,
1920-1945, by Kelly Schrum, revd., 561-62.
Stackelberg, Robert, co-ed., The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology
of Texts, revd., 422-23.
Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders, dir. by Laura J. Lipson, prod.
by Laura J. Lipson, Dr. Robert and Joan Sadoff, revd., 126-27.
Stewart, Matthew, rev., Europe's Last Summer: Who Started the
Great War in 1914?, by David Fromkin, 276-77, 411-12.
Sticking to the Union: An Oral History of the Life and Times of
Julia Ruuttila, by Sandy Polishuk, revd., 133-34.
Talking Drums: Reading and Writing with African-American Stories,
Spirituals, and Multimedia Resources, by Wanda Cobb Finnen, revd.,
Teaching U.S. History as Mystery, by David Gerwin and Jack Zevin,
revd., 123.
Thomas Jefferson: The Revolution of Ideas, by R.B. Bernstein,
revd., 401-02.
Tipton, Frank P., rev., Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century:
From Triumph to Despair, by Adeed Dawisha, 406-07.
To Live and Die: Collected Stories of the Civil War, 1861-1876,
ed. by Kathleen Diffley, revd., 544-45.
Toropov, Brandon, co-auth., Encyclopedia of the Lewis and Clark
Expedition, revd., 140.
Translating America: An Immigrant Press Visualizes American Popular
Culture, 1895-1918, by Peter Conolly-Smith, revd., 543-44.
Trial of the Cannibal Dog, The: The Remarkable Story of Captain
Cook's Encounters in the South Seas, by Anne Salmond, revd., 136-37.
Turchek, Jonathan, rev., Shapers of the Great Debate on Jacksonian
Democracy: A Biographical Dictionary, by Paul E. Doutrich, 407-08.
Unions, Radicals, and Democratic Presidents: Seeking Social Change
in the Twentieth Century, by Martin Halpern, revd., 414-15.
Viola, Joe, co-prod., Beah: A Black Woman Speaks, revd., 126-27.
Voice of the People, The: Primary Sources on the History of American
Labor, Industrial Relations, and Working-Class Culture, ed. by
Jonathan Rees and Jonathan Z.S. Pollack, revd., 419-20.
Wadman, Robert C., Navigating World History: Historians Create
a Global Past, revd., 281-83.
Ward, Kyle, co-auth., History Lessons: How Textbooks from Around
the World Portray American History, revd., 552-53.
Ware, Susan, rev., Some Wore Bobby Sox: The Emergence of Teenage
Girls' Culture, 1920-1945, by Kelly Schrum, 561-62.
Warren, Wilson J., rev., The Social Studies Wars: What Should
We Teach the Children?, by Ronald W. Evans, 408-09.
Watkins, Jr., William J., Reclaiming the American Revolution:
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and their Legacy, revd.,
Weigley, Russell F., A Great Civil War: A Military and Political
History, 1861-1865, revd., 283-84.
Weigley, Russell F., The Age of Battles: The Quest for Decisive
Warfare from Breitenfeld to Waterloo, revd., 563-64.
Weiner, Lynn Y., rev., How Young Ladies Became Girls: The Victorian
Origins of American Girlhood, by Jane H. Hunter, 124-25.
Williams, Rachel Hays, rev., First Ladies: From Martha Washington
to Laura Bush, 3rd ed., by Betty Boyd Caroli, 119-20.
Winders, Richard Bruce, Sacrificed at the Alamo: Tragedy and Triumph
in the Texas Revolution, revd., 424-25.
Winkle, Sally A., co-ed., The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology
of Texts, revd., 422-23.
Woodger, Elin, co-auth., Encyclopedia of the Lewis and Clark Expedition,
revd., 140.
Woods, Jr., Robert L., rev., 1215: The Year of Magna Carta, by
Danny Danziger and John Gillingham, 404-05.
Wootton, David., ed., The Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist
Papers, revd., 425-26.
Zelizer, Julian, On Capitol Hill: The Struggle to Reform Congress
and its Consequences, 1948-2000, revd., 426-28.
Zevin, Jack, co-auth., Teaching U.S. History as Mystery, revd.,
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