The History Teacher
Volume 51, No. 1
November 2017
Front Matter | Back Matter
History of Education
What the Lens of Philanthropy Might Bring to the History of U.S. Higher Education
by Andrea Walton
(pp. 9-36)
The Amherst Project and Reform of History Education, 1959-1972
by William Weber
(pp. 37-64)
Crafting and Recrafting the U.S. Survey
Developing A Signature Pedagogy for the High School U.S. History Survey: A Case Study
by Susannah Walker and Gustavo Carrera
(pp. 65-88)
Active Learning in History Survey Courses: The Value of In-Class Peer Mentoring
by Carole Srole, Christopher Endy, and Birte Pfleger
(pp. 89-102)
by Jane Dabel, The History Teacher
(pp. 103-104)
“By the Code of Humanity”: Ralph Carr Takes a Stand for Japanese American Rights in World War II
by Stephanie Reitzig, Senior Division
(pp. 105-122)
Margaret Sanger, Taking a Stand for Birth Control
by Ingrid Mundt, Junior Division
(pp. 123-161)
Full Reviews Section
(pp. 163-176)
Campbell, Marne L. Making Black Los Angeles: Class, Gender, and Community, 1850-1917
by David Neumann
Diner, Steven J. Universities and Their Cities: Urban Higher Education in America
by Alexander Hyres
Fouché, Rayvon. Game Changer: The Techno-Scientific Revolution in Sports
by Simon Cordery
Grayzel, Susan R. and Tammy M. Proctor, eds. Gender and the Great War
by Virginia R. Boynton
Karp, Matthew. This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy
by Linda Noel
McPherson, James M. The War That Forged a Nation: Why the Civil War Still Matters
by Christopher Phillips
Shrum, Rebecca K. In the Looking Glass: Mirrors and Identity in Early America
by Eve Kornfeld
7 Contributors to The History Teacher
177 Questionnaire for Potential Reviewers
178 Membership/Subscription Information
180 Submission Guidelines for The History Teacher
162 Association for Asian Studies: Teach About Asia, Learn About Asia
Gustavo Carrera received his M.A. in History from Ashland University. He chairs the History Department at Buckingham Browne & Nichols School, where he has led several curriculum reform and pedagogical/professional development projects, and where he co-directs the new faculty mentoring program.
Ingrid Mundt is a student at Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet School in St. Paul, Minnesota. She was awarded first place in the Junior Paper competition for National History Day 2017 for her paper, "Margaret Sanger, Taking a Stand for Birth Control." Mundt was also named "Most Philosophical 5th Grader in America" during the 2014 Kids Philosophy Slam for her composition, "Truth vs. Beauty."
Stephanie Reitzig of Niwot High School in Longmont, Colorado won first place in the Senior Paper competition for National History Day 2017 for her paper, "'By the Code of Humanity': Ralph Carr Takes a Stand for Japanese American Rights in World War II." A leader in Model United Nations, Interact, and the National Honor Society, Reitzig has also received a Centennial Award from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library's
Profiles in Courage essay contest and an Honorable Mention in the National Center for Women in Information Technology Aspirations in Computing.
Carole Srole (Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles), Christopher Endy (Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Birte Pfleger (Ph.D., University of California, Irvine) teach history at California State University, Los Angeles. Srole has published five articles on teaching and received the AHA's Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award. As Special Assistant to the President at CSULA, Endy has led faculty programs on in-class peer mentoring. Pfleger advises CSULA's student history journal, which has won multiple Gerald D. Nash awards.
Susannah Walker received her Ph.D. in History from Carnegie Mellon University. She was an Associate Professor at Virginia Wesleyan College before joining Buckingham Browne & Nichols in 2012. Her research interests and previous publications are in African American history, U.S. women's and gender history, and the history of consumer culture.
Andrea Walton received her Ph.D. in History and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Indiana University Bloomington. Walton is currently writing a book on the history of philanthropy in U.S. higher education.
William Weber (Harvard College and the University of Chicago) taught modern European history at California State University, Long Beach from 1968 to 2007. He supervised student teachers, participated in the California History-Social Science Project, and was Vice-President of the American Historical Association for the Teaching Division, 2001-2004. His publications include Music and the Middle Class, Rise of Musical Classics in Eighteenth-Century England, and Great Transformation of Musical Taste: Concert Programming from Haydn to Brahms.