The History Teacher
Volume 47, No. 1
November 2013
Front Matter | Back Matter
Risk, Pleasure, and Change: Using the Cigarette to Teach U.S. Cultural History
by Martha N. Gardner
(pp. 9-24)
Much Ado About Texas: Civics in the Social Studies Curriculum
by J. Kelton Williams and Christie L. Maloyed
(pp. 25-40)
"Georgia on My Mind": Writing the "New" State History Textbook in the Post-Loewen World
by Scott L. Roberts
(pp. 41-60)
Teaching for Historical Understanding in the Advanced Placement Program: A Case Study
by Sarah Brooks
(pp. 61-76)
The Search for Resistance: A Layperson's Reflections on the Historiography of Slavery in the African Atlantic
by M. A. Dodge
(pp. 77-90)
by Jane Dabel, The History Teacher (pp. 91-92)
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877: A Catalyst for the American Labor Movement
by Jessica Piper, Senior Division (pp. 93-110)
Pivotal Politics—The Marshall Plan: A Turning Point in Foreign Aid and the Struggle for Democracy
by Alexander D. Weissman, Junior Division
(pp. 111-129)
Full Reviews Section
(pp. 131-156)
Allgor, Catherine. Dolley Madison: The Problem of National Unity
by Sara Brooks Sundberg
Amar, Akhil Reed. America's Unwritten Constitution: The Precedents
and Principles We Live By
by David A. Reichard
Dal Lago, Enrico. American Slavery, Atlantic Slavery, and Beyond: The
U.S. "Peculiar Institution" in International Perspective
by Patricia Ann Owens
Donald, Aida D. Citizen Soldier: A Life of Harry S. Truman
by Nicholas Katers
House, Jonathan M. A Military History of the Cold War, 1944-1962
by Christopher A. Maynard
Knepper, Cathy D. Jersey Justice: The Story of the Trenton Six
by David Noon
Lantzer, Jason S. Mainline Christianity: The Past and Future of
America's Majority Faith
by Jerry Hopkins
Neiberg, Michael. The Blood of Free Men: The Liberation of Paris,
by Thomas Saylor
Northrop, Douglas, ed. A Companion to World History
by Mark Soderstrom
Orvell, Miles. The Death and Life of Main Street: Small Towns in
American Memory, Space, and Community
by James P. Cousins
Preston, Andrew. Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in
American War and Diplomacy
by Jeff Bloodworth
Read, Piers Paul. The Dreyfus Affair: The Scandal That Tore France in
by Michael Clinton
Regulska, Joanna and Bonnie G. Smith, eds. Women and Gender in
Postwar Europe: From Cold War to European Union
by Maria Bucur-Deckard
Skotnes, Andor. A New Deal for All? Race and Class Struggles in
Depression-Era Baltimore
by Theodore Rosenof
Smith, Robert W. Amid a Warring World: American Foreign Relations,
by Robert Shaffer
Stearns, Peter N. Satisfaction Not Guaranteed: Dilemmas of Progress in
Modern Society
by Lynn Y. Weiner
Stone, Norman. World War Two: A Short History
by Thomas S. Lamont
Vile, John R. The Writing and Ratification of the U.S. Constitution:
Practical Virtue in Action
by Naomi Rendina
Witt, John Fabian. Lincoln's Code: The Laws of War in American
by Robert C. Kenzer
Wolfe, Audra J. Competing with the Soviets: Science, Technology, and
the State in Cold War America
by Christopher Cumo
Zunz, Olivier. Philanthropy in America: A History
by Richard L. Hughes
7 Contributors to The History Teacher
157 Questionnaire for Potential Reviewers
158 Membership/Subscription Information
160 Submission Guidelines for The History Teacher
130 Association for Asian Studies: Teach About Asia, Learn About Asia
Cover 4 Organization for American History: Become a Member of the OAH
Sarah Brooks is an Assistant Professor of Education at Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, Illinois. She taught seventh and eighth grade social studies for five years in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Virginia before receiving her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia. Her scholarship focuses on the fostering and display of historical understanding and has been published in Theory and Research in Social Education, Social Studies: Research and Practice, and The Journal of Social Studies Research.
M. A. Dodge received his M.Ed. from the University of New Hampshire in 1996, and has been a history teacher ever since. For the last thirteen years, he has worked for one of the finest overlooked urban school districts in America—Buffalo Public Schools. While he continues to teach high school history and geography, he is currently working toward a Ph.D. in History, focusing on early modern economics and trade in several of the world's oceans.
Martha N. Gardner is an Assistant Professor of History and Social Science at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science University. She received her Ph.D. in American History from Brandeis University in 2002. Her historical research currently focuses on the cultural history of the cigarette and the history of chemicals used in soaps and cleansers.
Christie L. Maloyed completed her Ph.D. in Political Science at Texas A&M University. She is an Assistant Professor in the Political Science Department at the University of Nebraska Kearney, and her research focuses on civic education and religion and politics.
Jessica Piper is a junior at Fairview High School in Boulder, Colorado. She keeps busy as part of her high school cross country and track teams and the speech and debate team. She also volunteers at her local library and spends her free time hanging out with friends and listening to music.
Scott L. Roberts is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Social Studies Education at Central Michigan University. He received his Ph.D. in Social Studies Education from the University of Georgia. He has written several articles and curriculum guides concerning Georgia studies, co-authored the textbook Time Travel Through Georgia, and authored Teaching Middle Level Social Studies: A Practical Guide for Teaching 4th-8th Grades.
Alexander D. Weissman is an eighth grader at Hamilton Middle School in Denver, Colorado. His interest in international events and political history was sparked by his involvement with CISV, an organization dedicated to promoting peace by building global friendships among young people. Through this program, Alex has traveled to Argentina, Brazil, and Turkey attending seminars dedicated to breaking down stereotypes and encouraging cooperation. In his free time, Alex enjoys skiing, basketball, tennis, music, and friends. He lives with his parents and his younger brother, Zach.
J. Kelton Williams completed his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at Texas A&M University. He is an Assistant Professor of Educational Studies at Knox College, and his research focuses on education history, civic education, and education policy.