The History Teacher
Volume 44, No. 1
November 2010
Front Matter | Back Matter
Using Ken Burns's The Civil War in the Classroom
by Kevin M. Levin
(pp. 9-17)
Five Good Reasons to Show Great Guy (1936) in Our U.S. History and American Studies Classes (and the Challenges We'll Face)
by Katherine Allocco
(pp. 19-33)
"Shake this Square World and Blast Off for Kicksville": Teaching History with Post-WWII Prescriptive Classroom Films
by Jessamyn Neuhaus
(pp. 35-50)
Uncomplicated Technologies and Erstwhile Aids: How PowerPoint, the Internet, and Political Cartoons can Elicit Engagement and Challenge
Thinking in New Ways
by J. H. Bickford III
(pp. 51-66)
The Making of a History Standards Wiki: Covering, Uncovering, and Discovering Curriculum Frameworks Using a Highly Interactive Technology
by Robert W. Maloy, Michelle Poirier, Hilary K. Smith, and Sharon A. Edwards
(pp. 67-81)
"No Longer From Pyramids to the Empire State Building": Why Both Western Civilization and World Civilization Should be Part of the History Major: A Case Study
by Richard A. Voeltz
(pp. 83-91)
by Jane Dabel, The History Teacher
(pp. 93-94)
Chemurgy: Using Science Innovatively to Save American Agriculture from Overproduction
by Palani Permeswaran, Senior Division
(pp. 95-125)
The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways: The Road to Success?
by Elisheva Blas, Junior Division
(pp. 127-142)
Full Reviews Section
(pp. 143-155)
Anderson, Karen. Little Rock: Race and Resistance at Central High School
by David Neumann
Bynum, Victoria E. The Long Shadow of the Civil War: Southern Dissent and Its Legacies
by John H. Monnett
Capozzola, Christopher. Uncle Sam Wants You: World War I and the Making of The Modern American Citizen
by Robert C. Cottrell
Di Giacomo, Richard. Short Role-playing Simulations for US History Classrooms and Short Role-playing Simulations for World History Classrooms
by Julie Peters
Goldsworthy, Adrian. How Rome Fell: Death of a Superpower
by Scott Alan Metzger
Holzer, Harold, Craig L. Symonds, and Frank J. Williams, eds. The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory
by J. Matthew Gallman
Johns, Andrew. Vietnam's Second Front: Domestic Politics, the Republican Party, and the War
by Anthony O. Edmonds
Moscovitz, Guillaume, dir. Belzec
by Michael Gialanella
Southgate, Beverley. History Meets Fiction
by Linda Kelly Alkana
Warren, Kenneth. Bethlehem Steel: Builder and Arsenal of America
by Franklin Noll
7 Contributors to The History Teacher
157 Questionnaire for Potential Reviewers
158 Membership/Subscription Information
160 Submission Guidelines for The History Teacher
Cover 2 Organization of American Historians: Become a Member of the OAH Today!
18 Association for Asian Studies: Teach About Asia, Learn About Asia
34 National Center for History in the Schools: Forbidden Love
82 Bedford/St. Martin's: The Best-Selling Text for the AP Course
92 National Center for History in the Schools: World History: The Big Eras
126 Society for History Education: The Extraordinary Teacher
156 Society for History Education: Advertise in The History Teacher
Cover 4 Center for History and New Media: Children and Youth in History
Katherine Allocco is an Assistant Professor of History and Coordinator of the Women's Studies Program at Western Connecticut State University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas.
J. H. Bickford III is a former middle school social studies teacher. He earned a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and currently is an Assistant Professor of Middle Level Education at Eastern Illinois University. He teaches various graduate and undergraduate classes on social studies methods, content area reading, and adolescents' social, emotional, and behavioral development. His research interests include issues within the social studies and adolescents' gender expressions.
Elisheva Blas is a ninth grade student at the Ramaz Upper School in New York City.
Sharon A. Edwards is a clinical faculty member in the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. A retired classroom teacher, Sharon's research focuses on the innovative uses of technology for teaching and learning in grades Kindergarten through college.
Kevin M. Levin teaches American history at the St. Anne's-Belfield School in Charlottesville, Virginia. Over the past few years, he has published articles on teaching and the Civil War in popular magazines and academic journals. In addition to completing a booklength manuscript on the battle of the Crater and historical memory, he maintains a history blog at Civil War Memory (
Robert W. Maloy is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he coordinates the history and political science teacher preparation programs. He is the director of the resourcesforhistoryteachers wiki project.
Jessamyn Neuhaus is an Assistant Professor of History at the State University of New York Plattsburgh. Her scholarly publications include articles in The Journal of Social History, The Journal of the History of Sexuality, The Journal of Popular Culture, and The Journal of Women's History; and a monograph, Manly Meals and Mom's Home Cooking: Cookbooks and Gender in Modern America (Johns Hopkins). Her current research project explores the depiction of housework and housewives in U.S. advertising.
Palani Permeswaran, a senior at LeMars Community High School in LeMars, Iowa, is involved in a wide variety of activities, including all-state choir, band, chamber choir, class president, cross country, drama, homecoming royalty, honor band, individual and large group speech competition, National Honor Society, National History Day, show choir, St. John's brass choir, student council, track, wrestling, and yearbook. He intends to study engineering at the University of Iowa next year.
Michelle Poirier is an undergraduate history major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She researched many of the pictures, maps, and other images found on the resourcesforhistoryteachers site.
Hilary K. Smith is an undergraduate history major at the University of Massachusetts
Amherst. She wrote and edited numerous wiki pages, including those for Reconstruction, the 1920s, and World War II, for the resourcesforhistoryteachers site.
Richard A. Voeltz is a Professor of History and former Chair of the Department of History and Government at Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma, where he teaches courses in Western civilization, film and history, British history, and modern European history. He received his Ph.D. in history from UCLA. He has published extensively and his current interests include historiography and the relationship between history and the media.