The History Teacher
Volume 46, No. 3
May 2013
Front Matter | Back Matter
Foul Lines: Teaching Race in Jim Crow America through Baseball History
by David J. Laliberte
(pp. 329-353)
Historical Examination of the Segregated School Experience
by Anthony M. Pellegrino, Linda J. Mann, and William B. Russell III
(pp. 355-372)
Making Whites from the Dark Side: Teaching Whiteness Studies at San Francisco State University
by Amy Sueyoshi
(pp. 373-396)
From Mentoring to Collaborating: Fostering Undergraduate Research in History
by Christopher R. Corley
(pp. 397-414)
Atoms, Honeycombs, and Fabric Scraps: Rethinking Timelines in the Undergraduate Classroom
by Catherine J. Denial
(pp. 415-434)
Teaching the Survey Non-Traditional Style
by Niels Eichhorn
(pp. 435-454)
The Clicker Challenge: Using a Reader Response System in the (British) History Classroom
by David Dean
(pp. 455-464)
Full Reviews Section
(pp. 465-476)
Fellezs, Kevin. Birds of Fire: Jazz, Rock, Funk, and the Creation of Fusion
by Ron Briley
Flowers, Elizabeth H. Into the Pulpit: Southern Baptist Women and Power since World War II
by Naomi Rendina
Gilbert, Mark. European Integration: A Concise History
by Aleksey Kazakevich
Hurst, Jack. Born to Battle: Grant and Forrest: Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga: The Campaigns that Doomed the Confederacy
by Randall M. Miller
Jeansonne, Glen. The Life of Herbert Hoover: Fighting Quaker, 1928-1933
by Nicholas Katers
Larson, Erik. In the Garden of the Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
by Linda Kelly Alkana
Steffes, Tracy L. School, Society, and State: A New Education to Govern Modern America, 1890-1940
by Rich McKinney
Steinbach, Susie L. Understanding the Victorians: Politics, Culture and Society in Nineteenth-Century Britain
by Walter L. Arnstein
Tyldesley, Joyce. Tutankhamen: The Search for an Egyptian King
by Melinda G. Nelson-Hurst
Urofsky, Melvin I. Supreme Decisions: Great Constitutional Cases and Their Impact
by David A. Reichard
327 Contributors to The History Teacher
477 Questionnaire for Potential Reviewers
478 Membership/Subscription Information
480 Submission Guidelines for The History Teacher
Cover 2 Association for Asian Studies: Teach About Asia, Learn About Asia
354 Organization for American History: Become an OAH Member Today
Christopher Corley is an Associate Professor of History and Director of the Honors Program at Minnesota State University, Mankato. He teaches honors courses and first-year courses on pre-industrial European history, and advanced courses on early modern social and cultural history. He has presented papers and published articles and book chapters on law, adolescence, and parenting in early modern France.
David Dean is a Professor of History at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada and specializes in early modern British history and Public history. He is co-director of the Carleton Centre for Public History and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Catherine J. Denial is an Associate Professor of History at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, where she teaches courses on American Indian history, Latin America, and the history of marriage and reproduction. Her book on marriage and the politics of American expansion in early nineteenth-century Dakota and Ojibwe Country is forthcoming from the Minnesota Historical Society Press. Since 2001, Denial has been lead historian for Bringing History Home, a TAH-funded professional development program for K-5 educators.
Niels Eichhorn received his Master of Arts in History in 2008 from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and is pursuing a Ph.D. in History at the University of Arkansas with an expected completion in May 2013. Currently, he teaches U.S. and World history survey courses as well as upper-division history classes at the University of Arkansas.
David J. Laliberte (M.S.S., United States Sports Academy, 2008; M.A., St. Cloud State University, 2008) is an Adjunct Instructor of History at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, specializing in American Indian history and sports history. He has taught history at secondary schools, community colleges, private colleges, and public universities, and his essays on Indian boarding school baseball have been published in NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture and in Minnesota History.
Linda J. Mann is a Ph.D. student in Education Policy at George Mason University. Her main research interest is the sociopolitical underpinnings of successful black-only schools.
Anthony M. Pellegrino is an Assistant Professor of History/Social Studies Education at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He earned his Doctorate of Philosophy degree in 2007 from Florida State University. His research interests include historical cognition and pre-service teachers.
William B. Russell III, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Social Science Education at the University of Central Florida, where he serves as the Ph.D. track coordinator of Social Science Education. He also serves as the Executive Director for the International Society for the Social Studies and is the Editor of The Journal of Social Studies Research. He has published five books and more than forty-five refereed journal articles related to social studies education.
Amy Sueyoshi is the Associate Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University. She is the author of Queer Compulsions: Race, Nation, and Sexuality in the Affairs of Yone Noguchi, which details the same-sex and interracial affairs of the Japanese immigrant poet Noguchi to argue how even the most seemingly transgressive of acts at the turn of the century were in fact bound up in social norms.