The History Teacher
Volume 57, No. 2
February 2024
Front Matter | Back Matter
Teaching with Digital History
"I Wanted to Know!": Engaging Learners in the History of Higher Education through Authentic Digital Assessment
by Kelly Schrum, Sophia Abbot, Allie Loughry, and D. Chase J. Catalano
(pp. 153-177)
Staging Historical Reenactments on Twitter: History, Methods, and Ethics
by Amanda I. Seligman and Jaclyn J. Kelly
(pp. 179-209)
The Evolution of Our Approach to History Education Using Wikipedia
by John R. Bawden and Clark E. Hultquist
(pp. 211-228)
Teaching the History of Food Online: Using Instagram and Active Learning to Connect the Past and the Present
by Elizabeth Horodowich
(pp. 229-253)
Old Stories and Modern Storytelling: Using Digital Video Projects to Depict Historical Narratives
by Fabio Montella
(pp. 255-266)
Full Reviews Section
(pp. 267-282)
Burke, Patrick. Tear Down the Walls: White Radicalism and Black Power in 1960s Rock
by J. Michael Butler
Carroll, Dillon J. Invisible Wounds: Mental Illness and Civil War Soldiers
by Muhammad Rafi
Crane, Susan A. Nothing Happened: A History
by Christopher Ferguson
Faragher, John Mack. California: An American History
by Julie Haltom
Jackson, Stephen. The Patchwork of World History in Texas High Schools: Unpacking Eurocentrism, Imperialism, and Nationalism in the Curriculum, 1920-2021
by Stanley M. Burstein
Joskowicz, Ari. Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust
by Wendy Adele-Marie
Kolker, Robert P. Triumph over Containment: American Film in the 1950s
by Thomas Doherty
Lewis, Tiffany. Uprising: How Women Used the US West to Win the Right to Vote
by Rachel Michelle Gunter
McCandlish, Earl A. and George D. Jepson. Crash Boat: Rescue and Peril in the Pacific During World War II
by Adrian R. Lewis
Namakkal, Jessica. Unsettling Utopia: The Making and Unmaking of French India
by Rama Sundari Mantena
151 Contributors to The History Teacher
254 The History of The History Teacher
285 Questionnaire for Potential Reviewers
286 Membership/Subscription Information
288 Submission Guidelines for The History Teacher
178 Society for History Education: The William & Edwyna Gilbert Award
210 Society for History Education: AHA Member Discount
283 Society for History Education: THT Journal Archives
284 Society for History Education: The History Teacher
Sophia Abbot is a doctoral student in Higher Education at George Mason University and a graduate assistant for Anti-Racist and Inclusive Teaching in the Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning. Her work focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning, pedagogical partnership, inclusion and equity in college teaching, and educational development. She currently serves as the co-chair of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning's Student Engagement and Co-Inquiry interest group.
John Bawden teaches in the School of History, Philosophy, and Religion at Oregon State University. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside. Bawden's research focuses on Chilean history during the Cold War and U.S.-Latin American relations.
D. Chase J. Catalano is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education at Virginia Tech. He earned his Ed.D. in Social Justice Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research focuses on social justice education in the context of colleges and universities, as well as queer and trans issues.
Elizabeth Horodowich is the Chair of the History Department at New Mexico State University. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 2000, has taught at NMSU since 2002, and is the author of five books about early modern Italian history and global history.
Clark Hultquist is a Professor of History in the Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Montevallo. He earned his Ph.D. in History from The Ohio State University. His research specializes in the history of the French advertising profession and the rise of consumer culture. He also serves as the Chief Reader for Advanced Placement's European History exam.
Jaclyn J. Kelly (M.A., History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) spent thirteen years in the Education Department of the Milwaukee Public Museum, where she communicated history to learners of all ages. She now serves as the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Labor History Society, where she focuses on adult education about labor in American history.
Allie Loughry is the Associate Director of Experiential Learning at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. She earned her Master's degree in Higher Education and Student Development from George Mason University in 2022. As a student in the Higher Education Program, she focused on experiential and international education. She is the production manager for Teaching and Learning Inquiry, the journal for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL).
Fabio Montella is an Associate Professor of History and Library Services at Suffolk County Community College in Riverhead, New York, where he teaches history and research courses in several modalities. He holds an M.A. in History from Stony Brook University, an M.L.I.S. from Long Island University, and an M.A. in Learning and Emerging Technologies from SUNY Empire State College. His current area of interest is the history of black baseball and its convergence with semi-professional community baseball.
Kelly Schrum is a Professor in the Higher Education Program at George Mason University. She earned her Ph.D. in History from Johns Hopkins University. Her work focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), digital humanities, history education, and teaching and learning in the digital age. She is the co-editor for Teaching and Learning Inquiry, the journal for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL).
Amanda I. Seligman (Ph.D., History, Northwestern University) is a Professor of History and Urban Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Milwaukee and teaches courses on the historical method, the history of American cities, and careers for historians.