The History Teacher
Volume 49, No. 2
February 2016
Front Matter | Back Matter
Reexamining the Lore of the "Archetypal Conquistador": Hernán Cortés and the Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire, 1519-1521
by Thomas J. Brinkerhoff
(pp. 169-187)
"Go Big or Go Home": Teaching Latin American Social Democracy and the Cuban Revolution
by Maia S. Merin and Michael R. Stoll
(pp. 189-218)
Writing About the Past is Essential for the Future: Fostering Student Writing for Citizenship in K-12 and Community College Classrooms
by Angelo J. Letizia
(pp. 219-240)
Deepening What it Means to Read (and Write) Like a Historian: Progressions of Instruction Across a School Year in an Eleventh Grade U.S. History Class
by Cynthia Shanahan, Michael J. Bolz, Gayle Cribb, Susan R. Goldman, Johanna Heppeler, and Michael Manderino
(pp. 241-270)
Teaching the Practice of History with The New York Times
by Kyle Jantzen
(pp. 271-284)
30 for 30: An Inquiry into Sports Documentaries to Engage in Social History
by Kristy A. Brugar
(pp. 285-299)
Full Reviews Section
(pp. 301-316)
Boardman, John. The Greeks in Asia
by Stanley M. Burstein
Boyer, Christopher R. Political Landscapes: Forests, Conservation, and Community in Mexico
by Myrna Santiago
Cobb, Charles E. Jr. This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible
by Robert Greene II
Curtis, Kenneth R. and Jerry H. Bentley, eds. Architects of World History: Researching the Global Past
by Rachel Anne Gillett
Del Giudice, Luisa, ed. Sabato Rodia's Towers in Watts: Art, Migrations, Development
by Holly Puccino
Fetter-Vorm, Jonathan and Ari Kelman. Battle Lines: A Graphic History of the Civil War
by Patrick J. Gillogly
Freund, David M. P., ed. The Modern American Metropolis: A Documentary Reader
by Mark Wild
Laudan, Rachel. Cuisine and Empire: Cooking in World History
by Rick Warner
Rodriguez, Jarbel. Muslim and Christian Contact in the Middle Ages: A Reader
by Maged S. A. Mikhail
Wald, Gayle. It's Been Beautiful: Soul! and Black Power Television
by Aniko Bodroghkozy
167 Contributors to The History Teacher
317 Questionnaire for Potential Reviewers
318 Membership/Subscription Information
320 Submission Guidelines for The History Teacher
188 Society For History Education: The History Teacher, Volume 49
300 Association for Asian Studies: Teach About Asia, Learn About Asia
Michael J. Bolz is currently a Ph.D. student and Research Assistant at the Learning Science Research Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago. With a background in teaching composition and English Language Arts at the secondary and post-secondary levels, his research interests include the study of writing in the disciplines and teacher education.
Thomas J. Brinkerhoff is a Benjamin Franklin Fellow in the Department of History at the University of Pennsylvania. He is interested in social, gender, and cultural history of modern Argentina. His primary research explores the experience of children in twentieth-century Argentina vis-à-vis the family, the state, and children across the twentieth-century world. In addition to The History Teacher, his work has appeared in History Compass.
Kristy A. Brugar (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is an Assistant Professo of Social Studies Education at the University of Oklahoma. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in elementary and secondary social studies education and provides professional development to K-12 teachers. Her research focuses on social studies and history education, interdisciplinary instruction involving social studies, literacy, and visual arts, and teacher development.
Gayle Cribb holds a Master's in Education from Stanford University and California Teaching Credentials in History, Spanish, English, and Bilingual/Bicultural Education. She taught history and Spanish in a diverse high school where she led a ten-year reform effort in academic literacy across the curriculum using the Reading Apprenticeship Framework, narrowing the equity gap significantly. She currently facilitates and researches professional development in disciplinary literacy with the Strategic Literacy Initiative at WestEd and Project READI.
Susan R. Goldman is a Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Psychology, and Education and Co-Director of the Learning Sciences Research Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She conducts research on subject matter learning, instruction, and assessment. Currently, as a principal investigator for Project READI, she is researching the processes, instructional practices, and materials needed to support evidence-based argumentation from multiple sources in literature, history, and science across grades six to twelve.
Johanna Heppeler is a high school history teacher at East Leyden High School in Franklin Park, a near-northwest side suburb of Chicago. Currently, Heppeler teaches a global studies course, as well as Advanced Placement United States history. In addition to her work as a design teacher with Project READI, she has participated in history seminars through the Teaching American History grant, Gilder Lehrman, and National Endowment for the Humanities.
Kyle Jantzen (Ph.D., McGill University) is a Professor of History and the Program Chair for History at Ambrose University in Calgary, AB, Canada. He teaches introductory world history, historical methodology, applied research, and numerous courses in modern European history. His research and publications center on religion and nationalism in Nazi Germany, Christian responses to the Holocaust, and sites of memory.
Angelo Letizia earned his M.A. in History from Old Dominion University and Ph.D. in Educational Policy Planning and Leadership from the College of William and Mary. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Graduate Education at Neuman University. Letizia has over fifteen peer-reviewed articles published or in press, as well as two book chapters and one book in press.
Michael Manderino is an Assistant Professor of Adolescent Literacy and the Co-Director of the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literacy (CISLL) at Northern Illinois University. His research and teaching focus on disciplinary and digital literacies, particularly in history. Manderino co-authored Content Area Learning: Bridges to Disciplinary Literacy and Collaborative Coaching for Disciplinary Literacy: Strategies to Support Teachers in Grades 6-12.
Maia Merin is a Ph.D. candidate at New York University in Social Studies Education. Her dissertation research examines the community control movement in New York City in the late 1960s, with special attention to Manhattan’s Lower East Side. She is a Ruth Landes Research Fellow.
Cynthia Shanahan earned her Ed.D. in Reading Education from the University of Georgia. She is currently Professor Emerita at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a principal investigator in Project READI, leading the history team. She has been a public school teacher, a developmental studies instructor, and a teacher educator and administrator. Her research and writing interests focus on literacy in the academic disciplines, especially in history.
Michael Stoll is an Instructor of Education at William Jewell College in Liberty, Missouri. He is currently completing his Ph.D. at New York University, and has taught high school social studies as well as undergraduate and graduate students in Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Missouri. He is also co-author of Teaching Recent Global History: Dialogues Among Historians, Social Studies Teachers and Students, published by Routledge in 2014.